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Personal Data Policy Statement

As a statutory body for improving the working environment in Hong Kong and for promoting occupational safety and health, the Occupational Safety and Health Council highly values the protection of personal data privacy. We respect personal data and are committed to fully implementing and complying with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

We shall properly deal with your personal data pursuant to the six Data Protection Principles as follows:

Principle 1 -- Purpose and manner of collection
This provides for the lawful, fair and reasonable collection of personal data and sets out the information a data user must give to a data subject when collecting personal data from that subject.

Principle 2 -- Accuracy and duration of retention
This provides that personal data should be accurate and kept no longer than is necessary.

Principle 3 -- Use of personal data
This provides that unless the data subject gives consent otherwise personal data should only be used for the purposes for which they were collected or a directly related purpose.

Principle 4 -- Security of personal data
This requires practicable security measures to be applied to protect personal data ( to avoid unauthorized or accidental accessing, dealing, erasure or use of the same).

Principle 5 -- Stipulation of and compliance with our personal data policy and code of practice.

Principle 6 -- Access to personal data
This provides for data subjects to have rights of access to and correction of their personal data.

You are welcome to contact our Data Protection Officer by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to the Occupational Safety and Health Council at 19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong if you have any enquiry on our Personal Data Policy.

Occupational Safety and Health Council
June 2013

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